Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tempest (Dreaming of Nightmares)

And so it has arisen! The hardest hitting song to-date of my new EP, Legacy, which I still plan for a release sometime in January of 2013:

Soundcloud absolutely REFUSED to upload a good version of my song, so I had to put it on youtube instead.

The track isn't completed, but you can listen to my fully amped song as it is now! I plan on making a few other mixes, renaming them the subheading "Dreaming of Nightmares" on the other tracks. I might even put up the multi-track single up on iTunes when I get it all going together. My only plans are to re-vamp the drums in it, otherwise it's pretty dead on.

As for the music progress, I've been visiting some different tutorials for dubstep sounds, so don't be alarmed if the next tracks turn out a little more... dubstep than usual.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Website address and updated design

The bad news is is taken and is up for auction. I don't have the cash nor the time to boggle with the address, so the good news is I've chosen a new one.

My "mock" production company was going to be called "Powered by SuperLooper," so I took the address In addition, I'll have a quick mock-up logo for this mock production company in the next day or two. It kind of works out since I'm (obviously) unsigned, so I can work under this mock label until further notice.

Here is a screenshot of the "Store" section I've been working on for my website:

Nothing is permanent, but so far iTunes will be one of the music distribution sites I'll use. I may also consider beatport and some others down the road. Also, Zazzle is a store that can generate random products, such as shirts, jackets, mousepads and etc. products I can throw out there. Again, nothing is permanent in terms of stores, but this the basic layout I've made. When the time comes, I'll re-group the stores into smaller bars to accommodate more online stores.

Also, since the website is centered, I'm thinking about adding a "Gig List" section to the left side, to list off any upcoming gigs I may have (if and when the time comes for that)!

After the next couple of days, I'll probably put the website on the back burner so that I can continue finishing "Tempest" and begin new tracks. None of this will matter if I don't make any music worth buying!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Social Bar

Nothing new on the music front, but I decided to work on my website a little bit. I designed what I'm calling "the social bar:"

(Click picture to enlarge)

Basically, at the bottom of my website, you can click on the four links to go to my "social outlets." In addition, I have the two major components of my music production; more of a shout-out and... it looks cool!

As for the website itself, I've ran into two problems.

First, the website "" is already taken. this means that I'll have to either bid (which I don't have the money in the $200 range to bid on a domain) so this means I'll have to go with something like "," which is kind of lame. I've got a couple other links I'm thinking of, but we'll see.

Second, I'm designing this whole site in Photoshop then rendering it in Flash Catalyst. I've never done this before, so I'm really kind of hoping it works out (and looks good when I'm done).

I'm looking forward to completing "Tempest," which happens to be the first track I've produced that I thoroughly enjoy listening to! It's great when a plan starts to come together. If you want to listen, you can click here (or, click the song title, your call).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Web Design and Tempest Extended

I've extended my Tempest song, but I've come to the all-to-familiar music barrier, so here's what I've done and I'll continue it another day: SuperLooper - Tempest (Extended Sample) (Click Here)

Also, I've started the design of my website:

It's just a prototype, but any progress is good progress. Not much else to report.

Tempest Sample

I built a template in Ableton for my music creation. This allows me to have pre-loaded song design so I don't have to waste time re-building the same sections I always do.

Worked on a new sample:

I'm loving the way it sounds, but I'm not quite sure if it's really a club song. In fact, a few of the samples I've recently made don't sound like club music. The original title was "Dreaming of Nightmares" but I thought "Tempest" was cooler. I've been naming songs with three worded titles also, which oddly bothers me. Anyways, enjoy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Equipment and an Actual Video

It's been a while since I've jumped into the blog. Been really busy, but now I plan on being really busy with music.

To catch up, I've made an entire new song. It's not great and it's not edited, so I'm not posting it up at the moment.

I did, however, buy some new hardware; the MPD18. It's a basic Controller that's lightweight and uses power off my laptop. My APC40 still doesn't get used, but when I get more serious about performance, it'll be the navigator controller; it will serve it's purpose!

I'd post a picture of the controller, but you can actually watch it in action on my first video!

(If you can't hear what I'm playing towards the beginning, it's probably because your speakers are cutting off the low frequency sounds I'm producing. I can't hear it at all on my macbook speakers, but my headset is just fine)

It's no Skrillex, but I took a simple sample I made from Massive & Ableton and I cut it up and turned my MPD18 into a note pad. I took the drum sample from my other full song that I've yet to post. I'm also getting used to hitting notes in the right time (something I'm not good at, yet).  I also made a youtube page, "officialsuperlooper" and I'm currently making a facebook page, so people can follow the page instead of my actual page.