Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Equipment and an Actual Video

It's been a while since I've jumped into the blog. Been really busy, but now I plan on being really busy with music.

To catch up, I've made an entire new song. It's not great and it's not edited, so I'm not posting it up at the moment.

I did, however, buy some new hardware; the MPD18. It's a basic Controller that's lightweight and uses power off my laptop. My APC40 still doesn't get used, but when I get more serious about performance, it'll be the navigator controller; it will serve it's purpose!

I'd post a picture of the controller, but you can actually watch it in action on my first video!

(If you can't hear what I'm playing towards the beginning, it's probably because your speakers are cutting off the low frequency sounds I'm producing. I can't hear it at all on my macbook speakers, but my headset is just fine)

It's no Skrillex, but I took a simple sample I made from Massive & Ableton and I cut it up and turned my MPD18 into a note pad. I took the drum sample from my other full song that I've yet to post. I'm also getting used to hitting notes in the right time (something I'm not good at, yet).  I also made a youtube page, "officialsuperlooper" and I'm currently making a facebook page, so people can follow the page instead of my actual page.

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